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Nurse's Page

Alicia Davy
My name is Alicia Davy and I am the nurse at Freeman Elementary School. I started my nursing career in 2004 and went on to graduate from Grand Canyon University with a Bachelor's of Science degree in Nursing in 2021. My nursing experience consists of hospital, clinic, and elementary settings. I am an Airforce spouse of 27 years. We have four children, three grandchildren and two dogs. I enjoy traveling and being outdoors. I am so excited to be part of the Falcon team! You can reach me Monday through Friday, 8:10-4:10 Telephone:316.554.2265 Fax:316.554.2295 or you can email me at [email protected] 
Sedara Shipman My name is Sedara Shipman and I am the Health Aide for Freeman Elementary School. I have worked in the medical field for seven years. I am a Haysville Campus grad. I have one dog, a Shorkie who is eight. I enjoy arts and crafts and just hanging out at home.
You can reach me Monday through Friday, 7:40-4:10. Telephone:316.544.2265 Fax:316.554.2295 or you can email me at [email protected]
Medication Administration Forms:
Strep Testing:
If your child meets the criteria to be strep tested at school and you would like for them to be tested, please fill out the consent form below. 
Illness Guidelines: 
It is recommended that children with the following symptoms stay home for 24 hours until symptoms  are resolved, unless a note from the family physician states the student can attend school. Children should be fever-free for 24 hours WITHOUT fever reducing medication. 
  • fever at or above 100.4F
  • diarrhea
  • vomiting
  • red, draining eyes
  • thick, green nasal discharge
If your child has been diagnosed with a communicable disease (strep, Pink Eye, Flu, COVID, Impetigo, etc.) please call me so I can give you a return to school date as there are certain requirements your child has to meet before they can return. 
Please have a copy of your student's immunizations turned in prior to the school year. If proof of immunizations are not received by exclusion day your child will not be able to attend until those are turned in. 
Vaccine Requirement
DTaP/DT (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) 4 doses
IPV (polio) 3 doses
MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) 1 dose
Varicella (chickenpox) 1 dose*
Hepatitis A 2 doses
Hepatitis B 3 doses
Hib (haemophilus influenza type B) 4 doses**
Prevnar (pneumococcal conjugate) 4 doses**

*Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine is not required if child has had chickenpox disease and disease is documented by a physician signature. Without a physician signature, vaccine is required even if you believe child has had chickenpox disease.

**Total doses needed is dependent on vaccine type and age of child when doses were administered.

***Three doses of the polio vaccine is adequate if dose 3 is 6 months after dose 2 and after the age of 4 years.

^If only one dose of Meningococcal (serogroup A, C, W, Y) has been received, and it was before the age of 16, a second dosed is required.
  If one dose is received at age 16 or older, no additional doses are required.

Vaccine Requirement
DTaP/DT (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) 5 doses
IPV (polio) 4 doses***
MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) 2 doses
Varicella (chickenpox) 2 doses*
Hepatitis A 2 doses
Hepatitis B 3 doses

*Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine is not required if child has had chickenpox disease and disease is documented by a physician signature. Without a physician signature, vaccine is required even if you believe child has had chickenpox disease.

**Total doses needed is dependent on vaccine type and age of child when doses were administered.

***Three doses of the polio vaccine is adequate if dose 3 is 6 months after dose 2 and after the age of 4 years.

^If only one dose of Meningococcal (serogroup A, C, W, Y) has been received, and it was before the age of 16, a second dosed is required.
  If one dose is received at age 16 or older, no additional doses are required.


SNAP Health Portal

Haysville Schools has elected to use the SNAP Health Portal to better connect you with your child’s school health and wellness information. This web-based system provides an easy, secure, and green way for you to update and review important school health information and medical documents throughout the year. With 24-hour access over the web, you will be able to:

  • Electronically sign and submit all health forms safely over the internet
  • Review and update new health information such as vaccinations, health conditions, and screening results throughout the school year
  • Receive immediate notifications when there are changes in your child’s health status
  • Easily message the school health clinic to expedite communication
Instructions for accessing the SNAP Health Portal will be sent via email during the month of August. Add [email protected] to your email address book now to ensure proper delivery.
Screenings in School:
Schools are required to provide vision and hearing screenings to students as listed in KS Statute
72-6242 and updated by KS SB 62 (passed in 2022) and KS Statute 72-6229. Dental screenings
are offered to students per KS Statute 72-5201.

Students in the following grade levels, along with students new to the district, will receive a
vision screening:
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 10
If the student does not pass the screening, parents will be notified with a referral to a vision
specialist. Students can return the completed referral to the school’s health staff.

Students in the following grade levels, along with students new to the district, will receive a
hearing screening:
PK, K, 2, 5, 7, 10
If the student does not pass the screening, parents will be notified with a referral to a vision
specialist. Students can return the completed referral to the school’s health staff.

All students in elementary and middle schools will be offered a dental screening. Please see the
school’s calendar or the calendar on the health service’s webpage for dates of the screenings.
This screening does not include any cleaning or treatment. Parents will receive a card detailing
any possible dental concerns for the student.
Additionally, permission forms will go out for extended care. Extended care includes cleaning,
fluoride treatment, and sealants. Dental hygienists from Hunter Health will examine the child’s
teeth and treat as needed. Parents will receive a report of the care provided.
Screening Refusal Forms:




Monday - Wednesday
7:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Thursday & Friday
12:30 PM - 4:30 PM